Windows Quick Fix


This is the most simple fix we have for a windows based computer. Computers Stuck in Boot loops, with Blue Screens, or other general start up issues. This service only gets windows back booting, and does not include a scan for viruses or other malware.

Computer Repair Service Areas: Middletown, KY; Bardstown Road, Bardstown, KY; St. Matthews, KY; Jeffersontown, KY; Prospect, KY; Lyndon, KY; Lake Forest, Polo Fields, Highlands, Buechel, Oxmore, Hurstbourne, Anchorage, Germantown, Shelbyille Rd, Brownsboro Road; Taylorsville, KY; Shelbyville, KY; Simpsonville, Kentucky, Jeffersonville
Service Zip Codes: 40243,40223, 40222, 40245, 40014, 40059, 40241, 40229, 40023, 40022, 40067, 40047, 40056, 40026, 40031